About Us

Health Leaders Australia (HLA) is a not-for-profit, limited by guarantee health sector education and training focused public company, governed by a highly committed and experienced Board of Directors.

Our mission is to provide programs, resources, and educational services that support health promotion and improved healthcare outcomes for the community.  These programs, resources, and services are focused on the needs of healthcare sector workers; healthcare sector education and training organisations; and the health and well-being of the broader community.

What we do

Health and well-being promotion

HLA believes in improving health outcomes for individuals and communities by facilitating access to quality resources, programs, and services that promote health and well-being. These resources, programs, and services include the identification and facilitating of access to web-based and other sources of information that highlight and promote proactive healthy lifestyles and outcomes including disease prevention and health promotion.

For more information see health and well-being promotion.

Education and training for healthcare sector workers, educators, trainers and associated support services

HLA believes in improving health outcomes for individuals and communities, whether in metropolitan, outer-metropolitan or rural settings, by facilitating access to quality education and training and associated support for health sector workers.

HLA engages a team of highly competent and experienced educators and trainers to provide professional development education and training programs for nurses and other healthcare professionals, and policy and process development support associated with the provision of education and training services for health care workers.

Our professional development programs are designed and delivered to support continuing professional development needs, through ‘experiential learning and teaching experiences’. Learning and teaching processes deployed involve ‘learning by doing’, and by reflecting on the learning experience and outcomes. Learners are facilitated to take initiative, make decisions, monitor for risks, and be accountable for the results. Personal and workplace risk assessment and mitigation practices for safe practice and career outcomes are vitally important elements in the learning and teaching experiences and outcomes that are facilitated.

Our educators and trainers help learners organise and connect their reflections to the subject knowledge base. They often teach by example, modelling and encouraging critical thinking.

Our educators and trainers have expertise in vocational and prevocational aged care, community general practice and hospital settings, as well as in undergraduate and postgraduate education. They can provide education and training programs that can be customised into any of these healthcare settings, and can be focused on identified needs associated within service delivery contexts and organisations.

Our education and training programs for health care professionals differ from others on the market, in that each session has been designed to guide the participants in their clinical decision-making, by considering each of the following factors:

  • The interrelationship and differing perspectives on quality, cost, and time, from the needs of the consumer, the health professional, and the facility/agency;
  • Communication as if affects contextual and clinical competence;
  • Removal, mitigation, or management of risk; and
  • The relationship between quality indicators and clinical practice.

These education and training programs and services for healthcare professionals and their organisations include:

  • Aged care sector professional development programs and support resources for Registered Nurses

HLA engages educators and trainers with expertise and experience in the delivery of high-quality professional development programs and support, and in facilitating access to useful resources for:

  • experienced and graduate registered nurses working in, or wishing to transition into the aged care sector; 
  • other aged care sector workers; and for
  • those wishing to gain competencies to assist their career aspirations to serve in such roles.

For more information see education and training programs and support resources for registered nurses.

  • Professional development programs and support resources for community general practice nurses and midwives

HLA engages educators and trainers with expertise and experience in the delivery of high-quality professional development programs and support, and in facilitating access to useful resources, for experienced and graduate registered nurses and midwives working in, or wishing to transition into the community general practice environment.

For more information see education and training and support resources for community general practice nurses and midwives.

  • Information Support for transitioning from the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) to the New Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model

HLA engaged educators can be engaged to provide residential aged care facilities’ personnel involved in the provision and administration of ACFI services

For more information see Information Support for transitioning from the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) to the New Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model.

  • Professional development programs and support resources for healthcare sector educators and trainers 

HLA engages educators and trainers with expertise and experience in the delivery of high-quality professional development programs and resources for healthcare professionals wanting to gain, extend, or enhance their knowledge and skills as educators and trainers of health professionals and other health sector personnel.

For more information see education and training and support resources healthcare sector educators and trainers.

Education and training programs design and accreditation support for health sector organisations

HLA engages facilitators with expertise and experience in healthcare sector education and training organisations’ learning and teaching delivery programs design, delivery strategies, and in learning and teaching programs accreditation.

    • Learning and teaching delivery programs design support

HLA’s facilitators can be engaged to assist health sector organisations in the development, or review and enhancement of their healthcare sector workers’ education and training program/s.

    • Learning and teaching programs accreditation support

HLA’s facilitators can be engaged to assist health sector organisations seeking or re-applying for health sector accreditation status for their healthcare workers’ education and training programs.

For more information see education and training programs design and accreditation support.

Business services for healthcare sector organisations

HLA facilitates access to a range of business support resources and services for health care sector organisations with a particular focus on education and training for their healthcare workers.

For more information see business services


Improving healthcare in Queensland by providing quality medical training and education
HLA | Health Leaders Australia Our mission is to provide programs and services that support health promotion and improve healthcare outcomes for the community.  These programs and services include health promotion and other education and training resources and programs, and business support resources and services for health sector organisations. Health Promotion
Education and Training
Training Programs Design & Accreditation Support Services
Business Services
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